7 Reasons Why Dogs Dental Care is important.

Expires on 04/16/2046

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more than 50 Million householdsin the country have a dog who they consider part of the family. Unfortunately, not every owner brushes up on their canines dental health as often as their own.
You brush your teeth every day, dont you? Brushing twice a day helps you avoid tooth decay, loss, and gum disease. The importance of dental cleanings for dogs is just as important.
If have a dog, you need to consider dental care (e.g. Brushing & Dentist visits for regular checkups) for dogs.

7 Reasons Why Dental Care for Dogs is Important:
1) Prevent Tooth Loss
2) Prevent Bad Breath
3) Avoid Periodontal Disease
4) Prevent Pain
5) Prevent Organ Damage
6) Dogs are Good at Hiding Dental Pain
7) Brushing Now Will Save Money in the Future

7 Signs your Dog may have Dental Disease include:
1) Broken teeth
2) Loose teeth
3) Yellow-brown film over your dog's teeth: plaque
4) Bad breath
5) Painful or bleeding gums
6) Refusal to eat or drink
7) Excessive Drooling


Dental Care


Dental Diseases Bad Breath, Cavities, Difficulty Chewing, Drooling, Missing Teeth or Losing teeth, Periodontal Disease
Health Condition Colic, Colitis, Congestive Heart Failure, Infectious (viruses or bacteria), Digestive Issues
Journal Topics Dental
Journal Types Contains: Videos , Information, Tutorials, Tutorials: Videos
Products & Devices For: X-Rays


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