Can Dogs get headache?

Expires on 09/07/2047

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Yes. The cause of a dog's headache is usually circumstantial, such as simple congestion from a pollen allergy or an accidental head bump. But it's also possible your dog's headaches are caused by something you can prevent, such as an ill-fitting collar or dental problems.

Although there are few studies confirming that dogs get headaches just like us, many veterinarians agree that they are possible. The brain acts as an informer of pain to the body. When the nerves, blood vessels, and muscles that cover our skull and neck swell or constrict, pain in the head is induced. Because dogs have the same basic make-up of nerves and blood vessels, they, too, experience headaches.

The reason why headaches are disputable among the veterinary community is that it's difficult to diagnose them in dogs, as they don't have the ability to speak!

There are a few ways to tell if your dog is having a headache, even though they may not display their discomfort in the same way we do.


Headaches dont often require a diagnosis or prognosis, as they tend to subside relatively quickly and easily. However, if you believe your dog is suffering from chronic headaches or migraines, a trip to the veterinarian will be beneficial to both you and your pet.

To diagnose headaches, some veterinarians may only need a physical examination. Pupil dilation, straying away from any approaching hands, and eye-straining under brightness could all be signs of a headache.

In severe cases, you may request an MRI, which could reveal headaches as a result of something even more serious, such as a brain tumor. The most common cause of headaches in dogs, however, is allergies.


Information & News


Health Condition Migraines & Headache Disorders
Journal Topics Diseases Diagnoses
Journal Types Contains: Links & URLs, Contains: Videos , Information
Pet Diseases Malnutrition, Migraines & Headache Disorders, Nausea and/or vomiting, Obesity
Veterinarian Care & Therapy Wellness Care


Phone: 650-464-3003
