most common causes of vision loss in dogs

Expires on 04/28/2025

Description (Related:4)

Visual impairments can occur in dogs due to aging, disease, injury, and hereditary conditions. In fact, your dog's natural aging process can sometimes include vision loss, ranging from minor issues to complete blindness. Some of the most common causes of vision loss in dogs include:
Sadly, our vets are seeing an increasing number of dogs suffering from diabetes. Dogs at a higher risk of becoming diabetic include older large breeds, breeding females, dog... s that have poor nutrition, and obese dogs. 75% of dogs with diabetes are likely to develop cataracts which can result in full or partial blindness.
Cataracts are easily spotted by pet parents. If your dog has progressed cataracts you may notice a cloudy appearance to your dog's eye. This condition stops light from fully reaching the retina and can lead to total blindness in dogs. In some cases, cataracts can be operated on which may prevent blindness, but early intervention is essential.
Glaucoma is a painful eye condition which feels similar to a migraine headache. Treatment is available for glaucoma however, the outcomes are best if the condition is diagnosed in its earliest stages. If your dog has yellow or green discharge from their eyes, dilated pupils, bloodshot eyes, or is slow to react to bright light, visit your vet as soon as possible. Left untreated this painful condition can lead to partial or complete blindness.
Sudden Acquired Retinal Degeneration Syndrome
Sudden Acquired Retinal Degeneration Syndrome (SARDS) causes a deterioration of the retina, which leads to blindness in both of the dog's eyes. This syndrome develops very quickly in dogs and can result in total blindness in just a few days or weeks. Due to the sudden nature of this condition, dogs with SARDS can have a very difficult time adjusting to their visual impairment.
Progressive Retinal Atrophy
Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA), is a painless condition that results in the deterioration of the retina, potentially leading to blindness in both of the dog's eyes. PRA is an inherited condition that develops at a slower rate than SARDS, which can give your dog time to adjust to their loss of sight.
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Eye Care


Eye Care Services Cataract , Eye Examination (Exam)
Eye Diseases Blurred Vision, Cataract, Cloudy Eyes, Diabetic Retinopathy, Eye Inflammation
Health Condition Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome (CDS)
Journal Topics Diseases Causes , Eye Care
Journal Types Information
Medical Services Veterinary Care professionals (DVM VCP)




Pet Care Circle Pet Care Circle

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Once you own a pet, keep it healthy.  try to learn as much as you can about their health, Know the signs of medical problems. Take your pet to the veterinarian for a yearly physical exam to ensure they are healthy and vaccinated. Also if you notice any of the symptoms, below, please take your pet to see a veterinarian:

Pets can add fun and companionship to your life. Before getting a pet, think carefully about which animal is best for your family. What is each family member looking for in a pet? Who will take care of it? Does anyone have pet allergies? What type of animal suits your lifestyle and budget?

  1. Loss of appetite
  2. Drinking a lot of water
  3. Gaining or losing a lot of weight quickly
  4. Strange behavior and or drastic change in his/her bowel movement 
  5. Being sluggish and tired
  6. Trouble getting up or down
  7. Strange lumps


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Community Journal

Symptoms of Vision Problems

Clicks 41
Started on 10/14/2024